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Friday, March 30, 2007

New tool for configuring BCM databases

Database Admin Tool for BCM V3

This should be easier than typing in the sql commands from last year's document.

Monday, March 05, 2007

BCM V2 SP4 available

Read this on the BCM Team Blog.

I would take their advice and only install this if upgrading to Vista or MOA 2007. This SP installs Sql Server 2005, and that causes problems for some user, judging by the traffic on the BCM newsgroup. So, if you don't need the features provided by this service pack, avoid potential problems by sticking with what works.

Social network mapping application works with BCM


A cortege is a retinue of followers.

What are the databases on the BCM instance?

Run this command:

sqlcmd -E -S "localhost\mssmlbiz" -Q "select substring(name,1,20), state_desc from sys.databases"

Saturday, March 03, 2007


For people who want to use BCM V2 (AKA Microsoft Office 2003 Outlook with Business Contact Manager Update) on Vista or with SBA V2 (AKA Microsoft Office 2007 Accounting).

Download SP4 here.

Hat tip SBS Diva.